Colombia Planadas Seleccion
I first started working with producers from this area in 2017, and visited Planadas in 2018 to be offered delicious coffees ranging from experimental varietals and processes to larger lots which have remained consistent ever since.

Mjölnir (ME-yol-neer) Dark Roast
“You underestimate the power of the dark side.”
“Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor”
Whichever mythology you identify with best, this is the most powerful coffee in my range. Dark, intense and fortifying….

Fjødr (FEE-all-der) - Light Roast Blend
The journey through Speciality Coffee takes many paths, but for a lot of people, the first time they taste a light roast espresso is a landmark moment for them, unforgettable and the moment they realised how much more there is to taste in coffee. It certainly was for me…

Nott (Not) - Decaf
My least favourite time of day is the point at which I realise that another cup of coffee will stop me sleeping properly tonight, which is what Decaf is for...

Dagr (DAR-ger) All Day Blend
Whilst single origin coffees often get the plaudits, and are certainly more likely (these days) to win you a barista championship, the humble blend remains the backbone of the coffee industry..