Danelaw Specialty Coffee

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Nicaragua Peralta Estates Anaerobic Natural


In 2008 brothers Julio and Octavio Peralta shifted their focus to developing unique specialty preparations from the family coffee farm that has been in operation since the early 20th Century.

For this coffee, one of the cleanest and best balanced anaerobic naturals I’ve tasted, ripe Caturra cherries are sorted and washed before being locked into airtight tanks of about 450litres volume, where they ferment for 72 hours in an anaerobic environment, with no oxygen. The Peraltas are quite innovative in how they manage this process, controlling the rate of fermentation by reducing temperature to around 15 degrees by placing the sealed tanks in fermenting pools filled with water. This is the part of the process which most directly contributes to how clean and well-managed it is.

After fermentation, the cherries are taken out of the tanks and transported to the dry mill at San Ignacio, where they are slow dried, in the cherry, for up to 30 days. This process involves spreading the cherries into a single layer for three days, which helps lose the excess water, after which they start drying, and are transported to covered drying beds for the rest of the drying period. The cherries are moved by hand 3 times a day to encourage even drying and prevent mould or over-fermentation.

The Peralta Estates farms are located in the North-West of Nicaragua, close to the southern border of Honduras in the Nueva Segovia region. The altitude in this area, San Fernando, is quite high for Nicaragua, at 1250-1560 metres above sea level.

Full bodied, wild and exotic, this coffee reminds me of Strawberries, chocolate and blood orange, with a creamy mouthfeel.
